
Census IDPEK1611
LocationBeijing, Zhalan
SpecsUnknown, but probably a positive with 2 or 3 ranks

An organ mentioned by Nicolas Trigault (1577-1628) in connection with the funeral of Matteo Ricci held at Zhalan (栅栏) on 1 November 1611.

Missa qua potuit pompa celebrata est, organo alijsque musicis instrumentis” (Mass was celebrated in the highest possible style, with organ and other instruments.) See: Fonti Ricciani: Documenti originali concenenti Matteo Ricci e la storia delle prime Relazioni tra l’Europa e la Cina, (3 vols.) ed. Pasquale M. D’Elia, S.J. (Rome: La Libreria del Stato, 1942) II, p. 626, N998.

It appears this was a “processional” organ, and the Project holds the opinion that it was built in Beijing by the missionaries, and not imported. (But see “3 early regals in China”, in What’s New.)

Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), in the robes of a Confucian scholar. From a portrait painted in China in the year of his death.