Census ID | PEK1989 |
Location | Beijing, Beijing Concert Hall |
Builder | Rieger-Kloss, Op. 3614 |
Specs | III/63 (?)+Ped |
Action | Mechanical; a second electric-action console is moveable on the stage |
Cost | 3,600,000 RMB |
PEK1989 is the historic instrument that marked the return of pipe organs to China after a 51-year hiatus. The organ was installed in the Beijing Concert Hall, completed in 1985. This was the first concert hall in China to be built to international standards, with up-to-date acoustic properties. It was closed after Chinese New Year 1990 for seven months of ‘renovation’, which included the installation of the organ. The dedicatory recital was played on 26 August 1990 by Australian organist, Robert Boughen, featuring works by Bach, Buxtehude, Daquin, Stanley, Franck, Karg-Elert, Howells, and Australian composer Colin Brumby.
The Rieger-Kloss website no longer has a page for this installation. The original specs were:
Great (C-c4) |
Principal 16′ Principal 8′ Rohr Flute 8′ Gemshorn 8′ Octave 4′ Block Flute 4′ Quint 2 2/3′ Superoctave 2′ Mixture V-VI Sharp Mixture IV Double Trumpet 16′ Trumpet 8′ Trompette en chamade 8′ Trompette en chamade 4′ Cornet III-V |
Positiv |
Gedeckt 8′ Quintadena 8′ Salicional 8′ Principal 4′ Koppel Flute 4′ Dulciana 4′ Sesquialtera II-III Octave 2′ Spitz Flute 2′ Quinte 1 1/3′ Superoctave 1′ Mixture IV-V Krummhorn 16′ Trumpet Schalmei 8′ Vox Humana 8′ |
Swell |
Bourdon 16′ Principal 8′ Bourdon 8′ Flute Harmonique 8′ Gambe 8′ Voix Celeste (2 ranks) 8′ Octave 4′ Nachthorn 4′ Nazard 2 2/3′ Wald Flute 2′ Tierce 1 3/5′ Sifflet 1′ Plein Jeu V-VI Fagot 16′ Oboe 8′ Harmonic Trumpet 8′ Trompette en chamade 8′ |
Pedal (c-g1) |
Major Bass 32′ Principal Bass 16′ Open Bass 16′ Sub Bass 16′ Bourdon (2 ranks) 16′ + 8′ Octave 8′ Bass Flute 8′ Super Octave 8′ Rohr Flute 4′ Nachthorn 2′ Mixture VI Contra Bombarde 32′ Posaune 16′ Fagot 16′ Trumpet Bass 8′ Clarion 4′ |
Couplers | SW/GT, SW/GT suboctave, Pos/GT, SW/Pos, SW superoctave, GT/Ped, SW/Ped, Pos/Ped, SW/Ped superoctave |
Accessories | Tremulant SW, Tremulant Pos, 64 free combinations (8 groups x 8 general pistons), two consoles (mechanical and electric). |
There is a certain amount of unitizing and transmission in this installation, and in the Census (Appendix) in Keys to the Kingdom, the organ is given as III/60; but even this may be an exaggeration.
The Hall was closed again in 2002 for ‘fire code violations’ and three year’s of ‘redecoration’ (see: “The Beijing Concert Hall Incident and PEK1989” in Chapter 7 of Keys to the Kingdom, pp. 329-332.)
PEK1989, shortly before the Beijing Concert Hall was reopened after its installation in the summer of 1990. Note the second, electric-action console on the stage.