
Census IDZZH2021
LocationZhengzhou, Grand Theater Concert Hall
Specs67/IV + Ped. (+ 3 traps)
Actionmechanical (+ second console electric)

ZNJ2021 is a four manual and pedal concert organ with 67 stops and 3 traps installed in the new 884-seat Concert Hall of the Grand Theater in Zhengzhou, Henan Province (further information on this building can be found here: https://www.dezeen.com/2022/07/11/zhengzhou-grand-theatre-architectural-design-research-institute-hit/.) Rieger had earlier built a smaller organ for the Henan Arts Center in 2008 (ZNJ2008)

There is a mechanical action attached console, and a separate electric action console on the stage. This organ was mentioned in What’s New in August 2021, and installation was delayed by the COVID-19 epidemic. But work was eventually completed at the very end of 2021. Dedicatory recitals were held on 31 December (Shen Yuan, of Beijing Central Conservatory) and on 2 January 2022 by Li Yihua.

The specs (as provided by Rieger) are:

Hauptwerk (I, C-c4)

Principal 16′

Violon 16′

Principal 8′

Gedackt 8′

Flûte harmonique 8′

Gamba 8′

Octave 4′

Spitzflöte 4′

Quinte 2 2/3′

Superoctave 2′

Mixtur major IV-V

Mixtur minor III-IV

Cornet V

Trompete 16′

Trompete 8′

Positiv expressif (II)

Bourdon 16′

Principal 8′

Nachthorn 8′

Salicional 8′

Unda maris 8′

Prestant 4′

Blockflöte 4′

Carillon III

Doublette 2′

Larigot 1 1/3′

Piccolo 1′

Mixtur IV

Dulcian 16′

Clarinet 8′

Krummhorn 8′

Récit expressif

Salicet 16′

Montre 8′

Bourdon 8′

Flûte harmonique 8′

Viole de gambe 8′

Voix celeste 8′

Fugara 4′

Flûte traversière 4′

Viola 4′

Nazard harmonique 2 2/3′

Octavin 2′

Tierce harmonique 1 3/5′

Fourniture III-V

Bombarde 16′

Trompette 8′

Hautbois 8′

Voix humaine 8′

Clarion 4′

Solo (IV)

Flûte majeure 8′

Cornet V

Tuba 8′

Chamade 16′

Chamade 8′

Chamade 4′

Chimes (25 notes)

Glockenspiel (25 notes)


Pedal (C-g1)

Untersatz 32′

Principal 16′

Violonbass 16′

Subbass 16′

Octavbass 8′

Cello 8′

Gedacktbass 8′

Choralbass 4′

Kontrabombarde 32′

Bombarde 16′

Fagott 16′

Trompete 8′

Clarion 4′

Couplers (all electric) II/I, III/I, IV/I, III/II, IV/II, IV/III, I/P, II/P, III/P, IV, P; Octave couplers:  I/I 16′, I/I 4′, II/I 16′, III/I 16′, III/I 4′, II/II 16′, III/III 16′, III/III 4′, I/P 4′, II/P 4′, III/P 4′
Accessories Positif, Récit: Tremulant; Combination system, 10 users x 1,000 combinations, with 3 inserts; archive for 250 titles, each with 250 combinations; 4 crescendi, adjustable; Tutti; Sostenuto I, II, III; Sequencer; Copy function; Repeat function; Divisional and General cancel buttons.