The POCP Website: updates for April 2020

27 April 2020

Despite the continuing lockdowns all over the world due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Project does have a group of updates for April 2020.

There are updates to the following pages:

MAC1831: new image and small update to text

HKG1908: new image and small update to text

PEK1999b: minor update and link to an interesting interview on the German-language website with the builder (Oberlinger) from 1999.

We have also noted that Casavant has released the specs for the organ (Opus 3925) that is supposed to be erected in the Cathedral of Macau. This project, originally scheduled for 2018, has been repeatedly delayed, but the projected specs can be found here:

The Errata/Corrigenda list for Keys to the Kingdom has been updated. To find it, scroll down almost to the end of the What’s New posts.

We would also like to let our visitors know that the main picture on each page (the one in the upper right-hand corner) can be enlarged by clicking on it. Sometimes it can be enlarged twice, and then the last click will return it to its original size on the page.

Stay Safe!!

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