The FAQs have been updated, as well as the Errata list for Keys to the Kingdom.
The page for SHA1865 has been updated, with a new 1855 image of the Church of Our Savior, Hongkou, Shanghai.
Word has reached the Project of the upcoming (re-)installation of a 1964 II/7 Pels organ in Christ Church, Shamian, Guangzhou. The former Anglican church (now controlled by TSPM, and known as the shamian tang) is a historic building, completed around 1864 and replacing an earlier church destroyed by fire in 1856. The sale-and-relocation of the Pels organ has been facilitated by Van den Heuvel Orgelbouw, Dordrecht. This organ replaces CAN1904, a similarly-sized Walker organ which disappeared at some point after the late 1930s. Presently being packed for shipment, when the installation of the Pels organ is complete we will add it to the Census with all details. It is a positive sign to see another redundant organ installed in a church in Mainland China.
We wish all of our viewers and visitors a Happy Intercalary Day.
Organs in the Census: 207
Hits this month: 878
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